The baby critic
15 april 2010 | In Books Comedy media parenting Psychology Self-indulgence TV | 3 Comments Through the looking glass, okay?
A few months back, to the great amusement of late night talkshows (US) and topical comedy quiz participiants (UK), a group of scientists lodged a complaint against a trend in current cinematic science fiction: It’s not realistic enough. The sciency part of it is not good enough. Science fiction stories should help themselves to only one major transgression against the laws of physics, argued Sidney Perkowitz. To exceed this limit is just lazy story-telling – time travel being a bit like the current french monarch in most Molieré plays. The best works of science fiction follows that almost experimental formulai: change only one parameter and see how the story unravels.
The criticism that started already in the first season of ”Lost” and has become louder ever since was precisely this: the writers clearly have no idea what they’re on about, they haven’t even decided which rules of physics they have altered. The viewer is constantly denied the pleasure of running ahead with the consequences of the changed premise and then watch how the story runs its logical course. Off course, a writer may add surprises, there is pleasure in that to, but you cannot constantly change the rules without adding a rationale for that change. That’s just cheating (or its playing a different game altogether. That is acceptable, of course, I’m not saying it isn’t, I just think this accounts for a lot of the frustration people experience with shows like ”Lost” or ”Heroes”).
The comedians who ridicule the scientist claim that the latter miss the point: Science fiction is suppose to be fiction. But in fact the point is that even fiction, at least good fiction, is not arbitrary.
It struck me that the point made by this group of scientists is very much the reaction that kids have when you break the rules in their pretend play. (There’s an excellent account of this in the opening chapters of Alison Gopniks book ”The philosophical baby”).
One of the interesting things about kids is their ability to, and interest in, pretend play. They are from a very early age able to follow, or to make up, counterfactual stories and imaginary friends and foes, and the stories that play out have a sort of logic. If you spill pretend tea, you leave a mess that needs to be pretend-mopped up. Many psychologists now argue that this is more or less the point of pretend play: you work out what would happen if something, that does in fact not happen, were to happen. The more outlandish the countered fact, the more work you need to put in to draw the right, or sensible, conclusions, and the more adept you become at reasoning, planning and coming up with great ideas. Stories that doesn’t further that project might be nice nevertheless: literature has other functions, after all. But the decline in this particular quality in current science fiction is still a sound basis for criticism. Even a baby can see that.
ja, vilket toppeninlägg! :) exakt detta har jag stört mig på många gånger och är, misstänker jag, anledningen till att jag inte orkat följa vare sig Lost eller Heroes, som jag ändå försökt titta på. jag trodde att det kanske var för att det känns så tydligt att de bara make it up as they go along – jag gillar när historier har ett slut – men jag tror nu mer att det snarare är detta. inte att de hittar på allt eftersom, men att de struntar i vad de hittat på tidigare. att saker inte går att lista ut – inte för att de är för kluriga, men för att skaparna ”fuskar”. i synnerhet dåligt om man antyder en konspiration eller nån slags mening i det som sker!
Kommentar by gisela — 06 maj 2010 #
Tack för komplimangen!
Kommentar by david — 09 maj 2010 #
Och helt riktigt läggs nu både ”Lost” och ”Heroes” ned.
Kommentar by david — 15 maj 2010 #