Afternoon wine

27 oktober 2009 | In Self-indulgence | 2 Comments

The notoriously reclusive philosopher D Brax has recently granted a few interviews to a select number of magazines. Being that Pynchonesque creature, I can tell you, means that I’m not that accustomed to dealing with photographers, and their various means of conveying meaning. Thus I found myself quite perplexedly (is that a word? Let’s go ahead and pretend it’s a word) holding a glass of red wine in the middle of the afternoon. You see, this being a wine magazine, holding said receptacle while smiling would somehow get the message across. The perplexedness (word? Let’s say it is) has yet to subside, as you will no doubt see yourself from this picture. Amazingly not a montage.


  1. what’s in the cup, then, eh? absinthe?

    Kommentar by agnes — 27 november 2009 #

  2. It’s the global experiment performed by all the worlds aspiring academics: aging coffee. The hypothesis is that someday, something amazing will happen in one of these cups. It’s the ethically neutral version of each academic having a chimp chained to a typewriter. Come to think of it, all the worlds aspiring academics is something of a chimp-typewriter experiment in itself, is it not?

    Kommentar by David — 02 december 2009 #

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